Coaching of individuals and teams

What is coaching?

Coaching is an adventurous quest, where by overcoming obstacles you improve yourself, discover your potentials and realize your path to success. This path could be hard, but with right guidance – Your coach, you will surely make it.


First of all, you need to have the desire to change or improve something or need to find a taste of life. The path that you can take, may be just the way of coaching with your guide - coach. The relationship between you is confidential, so it is a good to choose the guide with attention.

The length and number of coaching sessions is determined according to your needs, but the most common format is 6-10 sessions, each lasting 1.5-2 hours.

More about our coach you can learn here.

What do I get?

Coaching will help you to make full advantage of your potential. Improve your communication skills, increase your productivity, and as a result it can lead to an improvement in your personal as well as work, relationships. If you no longer have the desire to learn new things and move on, but you are not satisfied with this situation then coaching is an ideal way to get that motivation back. If we had to summarize in one word what coaching brings, then it's satisfaction. Or, if not satisfied, then it certainly helps you discover a way to achieve it.


From 3.000 to 7.000 CZK / hour (without VAT) depending on coach’s seniority.

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