Performance diagnostics

Performance diagnostics is generally a set of tests and questionnaires that measure worker's performance, or some of his attributes (eg. Speed, accuracy, etc.).

How does it work?
We are offering for example these 3 types of diagnostics: SAT, NQ-S and D2.


SAT test takes place online and is fully administered and evaluated on a PC. It models situations in which you need to quickly adapt to unexpected conditions change. It measure the cognitive performance and ability to concentrate at a higher rate of psychological burden. The test tells you how fast you can learn and how flexibly can you adapt to the new situation.

It can be used for example to work effectively with the risks or actively work on your own development.


Test NQ-S is figuring out, how tested person could handle time pressure. It tests many cognitive attributes - the ability of concentration, short-term memory, the ability to regulate the cognitive processes in difficult situations, and so on.

With this test, you can compare what performance can tested person perform in the situation without a stress and the load situation.

Tasks during the test varies. Alternating time and emotional stress.


Test D2 monitors performance ot tested person - concentration, focus and sustained attention, selective attention, etc. You'll find out, what performance tested  gives. The monitored attributes are speed, accuracy, quality and consistency.

The test has a high reliability and validity.

What test is suitable for me?

With that, we are happy to advise you. Send us your needs and we will recommend the most suitable performance diagnostics for you.


Performance diagnostics has many parameters that can be adjusted according to your specific needs (number of participants, selected tests, ...). For this reason, we can not set the price in advance and it is required to enter detailed specifications.

If you have a question about prices, please contact us by phone, email or through the window, "Contact us".

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