Coaching of individuals and teams

What is coaching?

Coaching is an adventurous quest, where by overcoming obstacles you improve yourself, discover your potentials and realize your path to success. This path could be hard, but with right guidance – Your coach, you will surely make it.

For whom is coaching?

Couching is suited for important employees with high development potential, but also for executives and managers as method of self-improvement and self-development. The only thing they need is a desire to change, improve or perfect themselves.

Than the Coach is guide on the way to achieve results. The coach is not an expert in a specific area of worker's profession, but is an expert at facilitating the process of improvement and change.

How does it work?

The length and number of coaching sessions is determined according to the client's needs, but the most common format is 6-10 sessions, always from 1.5 to 2 hours each.

Our coaches are educated specialists accredited or enrolled for accreditation by the Czech Association of Coaches and they are coaching according to its ethical standards and rules. Their continuing performances are assured, because they meet regularly for mutual supervision and methodological work in groups.

You can learn more information about our coaches here.

What will I get?

Coaching allows you optimizing the potential of your subordinates by making better use of their skills and resources. You will get workers with higher efficiency and productivity. Coaching also improves communication skills and labor relations, bringing joy and desire to learn new things. Considering all these positives, we find out one thing - happier and more efficient staff.


From 3.000 to 7.000 CZK / hour (without VAT) depending on coach’s seniority.

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