is a powerful tool, to impress well a future employer or business partner. The first impression is what people think about us when we first meet, and you'd be surprised how much it matters. Even though others do not show it, they subconsciously draw conclusions about us based on the first impression, which eventually may or may not change. How can I make
What people see when they meet you for the first time? It's simple - your look. Seminars will pass through your employees the knowledge of how to best dress for the occasion, and to impress the most. Such knowledge is useful to anyone who comes into contact with the client, business partner or potential customer.
Image is a purely individual matter. Everyone fits something else - a different color, different materials, different cut. However, there are some general rules, which is good to follow to achieve the best outcome.
And how to build on the good first impression? Here comes into play another sense - hearing. The workshop will introduce your employees to the art of rhetoric - how to speak, breathe, work with intonation and how to control your body language.
What do I get?
Above all, you get more satisfied customers. From meetings with your staff they will leave fairly pleased and happy to return.
You will get traders who will operate better, more professional and more confident. And what could such a businessman do? Sell more products.
Image Consulting has many parameters that can be adjusted according to your specific needs (number of participants, the extent of counseling ...). For this reason, we can not set the price in advance and it is required to enter detailed specifications.
If you have a question about price, please contact us by phone, email or through the window, "Contact us"
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